Thursday, November 6, 2008

November 5, Edition

Welcome back America, welcome back to the world and congratulations on a job well done. November 4 2008 will prove to be one of those dates that people look back upon many years from now and remember where they were on this special day. There were a number of memorable moments last night and for channel hopping political junkies such as I the list is long so I will cite only one of the less obvious. Jim Lehrer of PBS provided a whole new perspective on the night when he said, after a particularly long set, "we are going to take a break for a moment while I get a cup of tea and....ahem, tend to some other things"

This is day one of the transition process and not the Obama Presidency, a fault in the American system that needs to be corrected forthwith. This President elect has proven over the past 20 months that he is not just a great campaigner/orator but that he is a magnificent organizer, manager, listener and delegator; skills that will serve him and the world well in these coming days and years. Getting off to a good start is immensely important and by the weekend we should have a pretty good idea on just how this is all going to work and with whom, so everybody take a deep breath and enjoy the fresh air.

Markets are selling on news in Europe and futures are down in the early going in New York but don't be concerned too much by the Republican/economic numbers sell off, confidence is the foundation of stable markets and the world just received a huge injection of this magic serum. The Obama rally will continue, albeit with some abatement.

I don't know whether to write phew or here's both

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