Friday, October 17, 2008

The Copp Comment - October 17, 2008 Edition

Good Morning All,
Yet another dull week in markets was typified yesterday by an 800 point afternoon rally in New York. The beaten down TSX, temporarily sleeping, managed only a late recovery measuring half that amount. Ho hum we wonder, what will today bring? More of the same would be a proper guess.
Some of you may have caught the joint appearance of McCain and Obama last night at the Alfred E Smith foundation dinner. It appears that John McCain finally had a victory on both the humour side and strangely on the serious side as well, when his final words at the podium seemed to reflect a more decent view of the campaign than we have become used to of late. It even sounded somewhat like a concession speech. Too bad the election isn't this coming Tuesday and the inauguration the following day because the conclusion to this event will go a long way toward reinvigorating America and reassuring the world whose minions rank among Obama's greatest supporters. Instead, due to an outdated constitutional practice we shall be stuck with George Bush and a lame duck congress until mid January.
Although this has been a particularly grinding week, better times lie shortly ahead as it must always be remembered that the markets are discounting mechanisms. I was reminded too of yet another market axiom last night during an enlightening interview with Jim Kinnear, the CEO of Pengrowth, on the Scully show seen on Vermont PBS, when he alluded to the two tenets of great companies and potential acquisitions...."cash and cash flow". There will be much such looking around in the mergers and acquistions world during the coming weeks and months.

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